
Thursday, April 26, 2012


So recently in this 'classy' little town I call home 'for now', a young man was killed by police officers by use of a taser.....OH one more thing.....HE WAS COMMITTING A CRIME AND DOVE THRU A WINDOW. Now, as earlier stated I am a DJ (relevance? I will show you). My DJ Facebook page usually brings me HOURS of enjoyment, it just blows my mind the stuff people post for the world to see. Anyway, yesterday I am updating for work last night and I see all these people posting 'RIP so-n-so', and 'He was too young', 'Damn pigs killed a good homey', I could go on but as I am typing this crap my brain is shrinking....regardless....REALLY??? What the hell is wrong with people???? DAMN PIGS KILLED A GOOD HOMEY??? *Ahem* I am sorry, correct me if I am wrong, wasn't said 'good homey' cracked out, performing a home invasion and dove thru a window to get away from said 'Pigs'?????? Ok, just wanted to make sure we were clear. Also, I am going out on a limb here to ASSume that if he wasn't on 'crack' he wouldn't have died from the taser? Ok, just verifying. Now, here is the deal. I have the utmost respect for police officers and the sacrifices they make. These people go out every single day, say goodbye to their families and in the back of their heads have to wonder if they will make it home. Now mind you, I will say that there are SOME (very few) SOME policeman who maybe don't always have the highest integrity BUT they are human. Can you honestly look at yourself and say you practice integrity in everything you do?? I doubt it.
So, as I am sitting at my computer reading this BS, I am getting madder and madder. He was breaking the law?!?!?! While I understand that death is a devastating thing (in most cases, but don't lie, in some cases, you would break out the champagne) but how is this the cops fault???? Hey here's a thought!! I have never broken the law, SO therefore, I have never been tased...??? Get it??? Look people of less intelligence, the cops are here to 'Protect and Serve'. What this young man was doing was being a danger to himself and others, the cops are there to handle it, any way they decide. Ask yourself this, if you were at home and someone broke into your house cracked out, wouldn't you call the 'Pigs'?????? Probably!!!! And if this was YOUR house and the 'Pigs' behaved the SAME way, you would probably be on FaceBook talking about how 'Awesome' it was. So why in this instance is it 'sad' and 'BS'????
I don't understand some people. I just can't wrap my head around it. I am over the ignorance of other people. Here is a new motto: 'Don't break the law? Don't get tased'...Run with that, write it down, I don't care. But don't blame the people that make the SACRIFICE to make our town safer for MY family and yours. In almost EVERY SINGLE case of people talking badly about the police, they are law-breakers. I am sick and tired of hearing people refer to the people that protect me and my family being discussed in such a derogatory manner.
I could honestly sit and give 100 examples but honestly anyone who feels that the cops are 'pigs', are of a lesser intelligence then me, so I would have to use small words, definitions and instances in every example, and I just don't have time for it. I am proud and happy to know there are people out there protecting me and my family. There are people out there risking their lives to make it safe for my children to play outside, and walk to school. But then again I am not a complete and utter degenerate. This kid broke the law, and was caught and punished. The only unfortunate thing is the loss his family will feel due to the CHOICES he made, and for that I do feel sorry. No parent should have to bury their child.

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