Remember as a kid you knew who your best friend was by who called your parents "Mom & Dad" Or who wore that horribly braided dirty ass bracelet around their wrist? Those were the days...your best friend was someone who you called about everything, got mad at the most but made up with the quickest...the facts were though that you ALWAYS knew when your bestie was mad at you....BECAUSE THEY TOLD YOU!! Now in a day and age with Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, don't know someone is mad at you unless you are 'unfriended' moved from 'Top spot' to #9...(which apparently is a sick, sick burn) OR Bob tells Sheila, who tells Tom, who gets her hair done from Sally, who is sleeping with Chris, who told your brothers friend, who told you!
Why don't people just have the balls to say 'Hey when you did this, I felt this!' are we that Pussified (yes that is a word, well, it is now cuz I used it) as a nation that we can't just stand up for ourselves??? Look douche-monkey (also a word) you pissed me off when you did *insert fucked up behavior here* and I am am mad about it..They in turn apologize and you move on. Apparently we were all so fucking coddled as babies that it is much more necessary to unfriend, block, move down the totem, OR (and my fav) have some totally vague status update written about you; "Don't you just LOVE when your 'supposed' friend doesn't pay you back for that 'thing' you bought them 7 years ago?? Jeez with friends like that, who needs enemies??' I KNOW YOU MEAN ME DUMMY!!!!! And look, I didn't realize that 7 years ago when you bought me a 2 liter of pop we were keeping count!!! How about I add up all the shit I did????
I have noticed the more I am on Facebook, (which is alot, judge me) people seem to have this odd sense of reality. Everyone knows relationships aren't perfect, everyone also knows kids can be bratty...SO instead of ONLY updating are some examples;
1. Gotta love when your kids piss on the toilet seat so your ass gets that golden shower you have been waiting for.
2. Husband worked all day and I didn't do shit. Now he is home, house is a mess, kids are fighting, I haven't showered and everyone's eating peanut butter and jelly for dinner..
3. Kids just walked in on 'private time' with me and they are all crying..
4. Husband got drunk and admitted that my sister is hot..
5. Kid got in trouble for spitting on the teacher in school today..
6. I haven't showered in 2 days and my underwear just took themselves off.
7. Yes I did spend all day working on my Farm on Facebook.
8. I have literally drank for 5 days in a row...Problem?
Those are some ideas instead of the bullshit people post...Nobody believes that your husband rubs your feet every night after work, OR that your kids never fight, OR that you have a 6 course meal laid out every night...NOBODY believes it...
So there are a few of my thoughts on Facebook, friendships, etc, I recently got deleted by a few people on my personal of which was my uncle. I didn't even notice until they popped up on 'People you may know'...I found it hilarious...they thought they were I am sure 'proving a point'...I however am still laughing, and of course re-added them with that awkward message 'it says we aren't friends anymore...weird, something must have happened...' LMAO!!!!!!!
I hate how people think that is a form of communication!! "well I said it on Facebook!" yes, but that's not a personal invite by my FRIEND!! I just dont do something or show up because Facebook said so!! Oh, delete me "friend", not like we ever talked anyways!! Hahahaa!!