
Saturday, March 24, 2012

First rule of fight club...

So what I look thru my kids phones??...I have a right...I pay the bill, and they are teenagers...Christians phone is boring, usually just random letters sent back and forth, apparently that is a thing now, whatever....Adams on the other hand is A W E S O M E...that kid *yikes* So last night much to his dismay he left it in the kitchen while he went to shower. I can only imagine his horror when he realized. But his horror is my VICTORY!!! Cuz here is the deal, you have to do some serious Matlock/Angela Lansbury tactics to get into that kids phone, seriously! But unfortunately for him, I am a sneaky little bitch. SO, I search thru his phone, to find the usual 14 year old bullshit, 'you suck' 'you're gay' 'school is dumb' 'my mom is gay' stumble upon....DUN DUN DUN!!!! ADAM IS IN A FUCKIN FIGHT CLUB!!!! WHAT??????

Now, I know that some of you, ok, ok, Jodi and Heath are ready to gas up the car and come lose their shit on him. But before you do, (seriously get out of the car you two) Here is how I handled this....first off I told Kevin...YAHTZEE!! Haha...and of course he didn't believe me, so I showed him....and that asshole LAUGHED AT ME!!! He thought it was HILARIOUS!!!! WTF????? How is that funny????? In my mind as his mother, I spent 9+ months making his face and I don't want some stupid douche-monkey smashing it in!!!! So, Adam gets out of the shower and comes running to the kitchen, imagine his dismay when he sees his phone in my hand....(ok, that is funny) stops dead in his tracks and says "what?".. Now, if you are a parent you know that is a red flag. Cuz that means they KNOW they did something stupid. You can compare it too when your kids are toddlers and you notice they are quiet, chances are, something is on fire. Well, needless to say, I fly into a rampage of how dumb it is, how dangerous it is, I even pulled the "I didn't carry you for 9 months, blah, blah, blah" Only to have Adam repeatedly saying "What??" and Kevin to be slightly grinning from across the island. NOT FUNNY!!!!

Apparently him and his buddy Logan are meeting up early before school to beat the crap out of each other, and this whole time while I thought he was working on his physique downstairs, he has been 'gearing up for a fight'....UGH!! So finally I give up and shoot Kevin the 'if you ever want to see me naked again, you better say something look' so he promptly pipes up. He informs Adam that while this is normal teenage boy behavior, it is dangerous and since they are doing it on school property against the law....WAIT A MINUTE???? NORMAL TEENAGE BOY BEHAVIOR???? WTF??? How did I not know this??? *sigh*

So I did some digging and asked around and apparently it is. I don't get it, but Kevin assured me not to freak out and he would take care of it. Well, he fucking better. Cuz this to me is C R A Z Y!!!!

Most days I am glad I don't have teenage girls, this was not one of those days....this freaks me out and I think it is stupid and nuts...and to top it off, he has started sagging his pants this week. God help me with this one. I fear he is my 'one just like me' mother cursed me I guess and I suppose, I deserved it.  But honestly, the truth is he is getting good grades and not getting in trouble, he is home every day after school and when nobody is looking he lets me get a sneak peek of his sweet soul. He spent 30 mins tonight teaching Jonathan how to make homemade popcorn then watched 3 episodes of Mythbusters with him and explained everything. So all in all, Adam is a great kid. Things could be worse. But seriously....A FIGHT CLUB??? I just can't wrap my head around it.....

1 comment:

  1. Ok, A "Fight Club" does sound crazy and unbelievable, but when I was in fifth to seventh grade, every morning before school started a few upperclassmen and I would go at it! Punching, Wrestling, and Kneeing. Sometimes these kids felt that because I was a big boy that I had super strength and it would be two on one. Even though we would kick eachothers asses and go to class all sweaty we never punched eachother in the faces.... Except for the one summer when they stole my little sisters new bicycle, then and only then did I beat up all five of those boys, two of them in an intersection (had to get pulled off by an Air Force Sargent). But this behavior doesn't end, it'll continue into highschool. I think it helps character building. Inner strength to know that you are willing to take a hit. He could come across a situation where he needs to help someone and he won't be that person that sits back because he's afraid of the possibility of getting hurt. So I think it's just a stage of life, and as long as he continues to get good grades and maintains a positiveness about life then.. High Five! Maybe it could be time to enlist into a martial arts, something to exert energy while teaching self control and self defense.
