
Thursday, March 8, 2012

No your 'Gay Card' does not allow access to my milkshake...

Ok, Ok, if ANY of you know me you know I LOVE my gays....LOVE them..BUT...being gay does not give you a free pass to grab my goodies. Tonight at work we had what the gay community refers to as a 'Twink'...How do I know that you ask??? Cuz as previously stated, I love my gays and am a huge hag like go to Gay Camp every year hag....but chose this outfit?? Daisy dukes, tights, striped socks over tights, and a striped 'smedium tee'??? I can move past that, really I can...and if any of you are my customers on a Weds you know that I move past alot of outfits...I mean c'mon, I am a chubby girl but know how to dress...seriously though most women need to get better girlfriends or better gays, cuz you know you don't look good boo...we ALL know you don't look good...

Anyway, the outfit wasn't the issue, although it was quite enjoyable, and truthfully my gays would've puked....
look Gay men, here is the deal; I am a married woman, which means, everything that is attached to my ring finger is; my ass, tits, shoulders, legs, vertebrae, etc...and just because you are gay does NOT mean you can touch me all over.  If a lesbian grabbed Kevin's biz I would literally 'Jerry Springer' that bitch up! This guy was TOTALLY sexually assaulting EVERY girl that tried to dance. And it was bad, like 'awkward for him' bad...and the shitty thing is because he was gay, nobody would say anything. We all know DAMN WELL if that was a straight guy he would've been beaten up and escorted out of the bar.. It was seriously just uncomfortable for everyone, except Frankie Fantabulous who was just fine grinding all over the supposed thing that he was not into and I myself had to step in a few times when I noticed people feeling uncomfortable.

Here is the truth, being very involved in the Gay community for years, I know that most Gay people would NEVER conduct themselves in this manner...I just hope that people don't judge an entire community of amazing people on this drunken behavior, I hope to God people don't judge me on my drunk behavior, seriously you have read 'Blowholes and Jager' I would be fucked....

You have read a few of my blogs and all of you reading know me personally, so you know this to be true, I am totally one to say 'Let your freak flag fly' BUT please don't drip it on my shoes...they are husband bought them and they are attached to my ring finger which in turn makes them married shoes...


  1. Hahaha!!! Very well played!! I too mentioned the out-of-line behavior of said gay person to a few friends. If any straight person did that, he would've been spitting teeth. But, I think most people were in too much of a shock from it and just enjoyed the show!

  2. AGREED!!! And what a show it was!!!! LMAOQL!!!
