
Monday, January 30, 2012

My mullet can beat up your mullet!!!

SO It has actually been a good day..somewhat...sort of. Ok, so I woke up at normal time, 11:30...judge me and shower, then leave to go to the BIG CITY of Idaho falls, why do I say BIG CITY do you ask? Because they have the things in which allows the lovely *cough, choke, sputter* great state of Idaho to qualify them to be a BIG Olive Garden and an Old Navy!! So anyhoo, we go to the BIG CITY to do some shopping and some lunch and have a pretty enjoyable day.....(DUN DUN DUN)  until...I am in Old Navy and receive a text from my A-mazing hair/nail/friend lady that her little gay brother was beaten up outside our gay club in Pocatello...I KNOW RIGHT???

We don't have an Old Navy but we have a gay club???? I was just as shocked..but anyhoo...I recieve this text and am immediately outraged. I mean c'mon..seriously?? You beat up the 21 year old gay kid..WHY? Cuz he was....WALKING OUT OF THE GAY BAR??? *GASP*...what kind of small dick minded mother fuckers are you??? I mean really is 2012...guess what? Women can vote now!! I KNOW!! Crazy huh?? OH and when you beat your wife, she can report you now!!! Stupid women, gays, and blacks with their opinions and rights....*pffftt*...if only we could go back to squirrel hunting and whittling!! Trust me I am just as annoyed as you! As a woman with a strong opinion, I SURELY wish we could go back to my husband thinking for me!! I tell you what, nothing is more annoying then me having my own thoughts, rights, and dreams!! Talk about exhausting!!! MORONS!! C'mon people put away your camo, rebel flag and wacky tobacky and GROW THE FUCK UP!!!

Sorry us HIGH-FLUTING liberals came along with our NUTTY ideas of equality and tolerance! Just think! IF we let the gays marry, you can FINALLY marry that hot first cousin of yours and NOBODY will judge you, cuz apparently gay marraige leads to marrying your car, dog, truck and gun rack...look people the truth is, who cares? How is the gay community effecting you? Honestly? What is the worst that could happen from you accepting them? You learn how to match your flannel to your gun rack?

The facts are this; people are people, and who they decide to sleep with is none of your DAMN BUSINESS...I mean truthfully, the heteros do WAY weirder stuff then the gays in bed...I know cuz I am hetero...and honestly 10 jagers in...I am a frigging Quentin Tarantino film in the sack. SO who are we to judge? I mean really Idaho, can we PLEASE concentrate on why there isn't an Old Navy in Poky instead of why there are gay people??? I feel like that is WAY more pressing....Now if you will excuse me, my husband is home and I need to ask him what my thoughts are on dinner...cuz I am absolutely to dumb to do that on my own!!!

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