
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Italians do more then GTL......

So as Kevin and I were flipping thru the TV the other night we fell upon Jersey Shore...Good Fuck! As an Italian woman who was partly raised by a couple EXTREMELY Italian grandmothers, (one fresh off the  boat) I must say what an absolute embarrassment this is.  Let's be honest here, all heritages have some sort of stereotype.  I could list them here but their are a few I am afraid of.... But the Italians have Jersey Shore and that has got to be the biggest embarrassment of all. I mean let's list the characters shall we?

Snooki- This bitch is the worst. She is notorious for what? Getting drunk and showing her cannoli to the entire bar..Let's be honest, nobody wants to see that...NOBODY!! Line from the show; "Nobody wants to sleep in my bed, I peed in it last season!" REALLY???? I am pretty sure urine is the LEAST horrible thing that has happened in that bed. She is a disgrace...My ancestors didn't hop a boat so this train wreck could represent us!

JWOW- Ya, WOW, that sums it up...WOW, you are a whore, WOW, you are a drunk, WOW, you have fake tits...I will give her the fact that the chic has a slammin body, but with MTV money she can afford it...I can't WAIT for this chic to have is she EVER going to be taken seriously..I feel like even her toddlers will slam tequila and tell her to GFY!! (go fuck yourself)

Mike 'The situation'- Yup, we got a situation for sure here.  If you wikipedia 'toolbag' this guy will pop up..Can I please meet the dumb bitches that are stupid enough to sleep with this guy so I can CROTCH PUNCH THEM?? Really??? I am embarrassed to have a vagina because of those bitches..How does one fall for the guy that is 'The situation'? What line could he POSSIBLY throw?? I feel like any chic that has and or wants to fuck this guy should have their hole sewed shut to avoid possible procreation.  God forbid we have another 'Situation'...

Sammi-Ugh...all I have to say is this; TAKE A MIDOL, STFU, HE WILL NEVER STOP CHEATING ON YOU, STOP FUCKIN CRYING, NOBODY CARES ANYMORE!!! That is all...thank you:)

Ronnie-Really? Hydroxycut? Really? You have Ronnie as your spokesperson...guess what? NOBODY TAKES YOU SERIOUSLY ANYMORE!! Smart move...STUPID! Effin Ronnie, ya he's not on Steroids..NOPE not at all..right, and Snooki can do math. Right.

Pauly D- I am thinking eventually his HAIR, and by hair I mean ALL OF IT, will just eventually chip off..I haven't seen that much product since the 80's and Winger was popular. He is a DJ, so am I...yes, it's embarrassing..But I will give him credit for at least having a job!

Deena-OMG.....OMG....has anyone seen this girls knees??? WOWZAHS!! Guess we all know how she pays bills....if you want anymore info see Snookis descripton...they are pretty much identical fuck ups.

Vinny- Honestly I can't say much about him, he seems like he has the ability to be somewhat normal..the episode we watched showed him going home. Hopefully he pulls out while he still has a chance.

This whole show makes me cringe. As Italians we already have enough negative stereotypes; eaters, mobsters, killers, cadillacs, I mean honestly we are one rap album away from being Lil Wayne..but if all we have to represent us are these fools? We have no scares me at times, I did live in Jersey at one makes me shiver to think I was one decision away from being an Orange, drunk retard who wears leopard print and pink lipstick...Praise be to God we moved...Please remember people that all Italians are not like this, some of us have brains...and we use them...not all of us behave like drunken monkeys! God help us all if this is all we get 

I feel like I am gonna vomit...even the Corona's are embarrassed....Hopefully people will tune into Cake Boss least that is somewhat more of a real representation of Italian families.

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