SO I took the kids to the library yesterday...YAAAAAAA go me...I am now a good mom!!!! Anyway, I picked up the usual Nora Roberts novel and happened upon Tori Spellings book, Tori before you make fun of me, allow me to elaborate...I am NOT a tabloid whore, I could give a fuck less who married who, who dated who, who has the best beach body etc...the only time I read the tabloids is when I am in line at the store trying to ignore Piz asking me for shit and the smelly guy in front of me trying to joke about the plethora of beef jerky he bought...BUT I fell upon this book, took it home and honestly couldn't put it down...that chica is funny!!! I am now, going to buy said book, yup it was that good. Anyhoo, I am now not embarrassed to say, I messaged her on FB...WHAT??? SAY SOMETHING!! You can judge all you want but I did, and I am ok with it!!!
I am not a 'star struck' type of person. Does anyone remember when Corey Feldmans 'band' came to Poky??? Haha, I put 'band' in quotations because they SUCKED....OH and Daisy from 'Rock of Love' was in it, so ya, they sucked...Anyhoo, they went to the 5 Corners for an after party...Ya first sign you aren't famous anymore...YOU PLAY IN POCATELLO IDAHO...second? YOU PARTY AT THE SHITHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD BAR..Anyway, I was the one that took him back to the 'rented tour bus' yup, rented...and I remember looking in my rearview mirror and thinking 'Holy fuck, that is Mouth from Goonies, in the back of my minivan'...and I am SURE he was thinking 'Holy fuck, I am MOUTH FROM GOONIES IN A MINIVAN' but whatever, I can write that off on my bucket list...and he should be blessed to have met me...cuz I am awesome!!!
So I emailed her to tell her I liked her book and to give her the address to my blog...cuz my blog is hilarious, just like me *pat on back*....maybe she is friends with Corey...if she is, feel free to tell him, I thought he was a douche-canoe...I mean who drinks hot tea with water and a lemon at a bar??? Also, Daisy is trashy...even too trashy for Bret Michaels and THAT is pretty trashy...
Her book made me laugh and made her seem real. I know she had a 'privileged' life but obviously she dealt with the same insecurities most of us do..(I already know that Marc and Dan will be making fun of me for this blog....bring it boys) It was refreshing to read and I honestly couldn't put it down..and maybe she (her assistants) will surprise me and respond. I doubt it but regardless I wrote it and now I am done...That is all I have to say...thanks and good day....and yes, seriously, Corey was a douche....OH and only ONE band member tipped....and paid for their drinks...nice touch assholes....I figured since we all had to listen to your shit music you could've tipped us...But, they did probably spend all their money for that bus...and Daisy's extensions...
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